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Email Marketing

Nurture Customers with Strategic Communications

In the ever-changing digital landscape, email remains one of the most effective and affordable ways to connect with existing customers on an ongoing basis. When done right, emails build familiarity, foster loyalty, and directly impact your bottom line through increased conversions, repeat purchases, and lifetime customer value.

At iConceptStudio, we take a strategic, multichannel approach to email marketing that nurtures audience relationships through timely and relevant communications. Our comprehensive service includes planning and deployment of all the elements required for a high-performance email program.

Data-Driven Segmentation and Targeting

The first step is analyzing your entire customer database to group subscribers into detailed profiles or segments based on attributes like location, past purchases, website behaviors like page views and product searches, email engagement history, and other variables that reveal preferences.

This sophisticated segmentation enables hyper-targeted campaign messaging that resonates more meaningfully and feels personalized at scale. We then provide customized technical solutions to capture new lead and customer email addresses through every appropriate touchpoint, whether that’s signup forms on your website, social platforms you utilize, online reviews, or other sources. Comprehensive data is constantly fed into segment definitions and profiles.

Attention-Grabbing Design and Copy

Strong design is just as important as insightful content for email marketing success. Our expert creative team crafts a variety of email template designs that are cohesive with your brand identity guidelines yet maximize open rates through strategically chosen subject lines, high-impact visual headers and relevant imagery, and content blocks organized for optimal scanning.

Calls-to-action embedded throughout templates are carefully optimized based on your goals and audience profiles, engineering the maximum possible outcomes for specific campaigns like ecommerce purchases, free trials or product samples, eBook or asset downloads, webinar registrations, service consultations and more.

Emails also aim to promote loyalty and advocacy through informative, value-added editorial sections before gently suggesting new offerings most likely to fit recipients’ interests according to their past behaviors. Copywriting is tailored across segments.

Intelligent Automation and Scheduling

To remove tedious manual tasks from your workload, our platform deploys powerful automation rules that can trigger the sending of the right messages to the proper segments and individuals based on attributes like past purchases, ongoing loyalty program status, and other transactional or behavioral data.

Scheduled recurring broadcasts like newsletters are engineered for maximum open and click-through rates by timing sends for certain days of the week or upon milestone events in customer journeys, such as birthdays, anniversaries or returns from travel. All triggers are fully customizable.

Compliance with ESPs and Regulations

Guidelines for email best practices evolve rapidly in tandem with changes in consumer digital communication habits and regulatory environment. Our consultants ensure all email programs and content honor industry standards set by email service providers (ESPs) regarding format, permission to send to opted-in lists, unsubscribe processes, and other email marketing compliance factors required to avoid spam filters or running afoul of laws.

Careful Tracking and Ongoing Optimization

Robust analytics are baked into every facet from initial segmentation through message design and campaign sending/scheduling so results from each distinct element can be meticulously tracked and compared over time. Underperforming variables like subject lines, calls-to-action or image placements receive rigorous A/B split testing to identify incremental open rate, click or conversion lifts.

Audience growth metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) like open rates, click-through rates, unsubscribes and resultant revenues are constantly benchmarked to continuously refine email strategies, content, timing and more based on empirical performance uplifts. Nothing is set-and-forget.

Comprehensive Reporting and Insights

We provide in-depth performance reports on a customized schedule you select, inclusive of all important segmentation, campaign and individual email metrics. Additionally, our client dashboard offers real-time access to critical data. Valuable strategic insights gleaned from all analytics then inform fresh email content ideas and new tactics tested immediately to maximize ongoing value derived from nurturing your customer database.

The Value of Professional Email Marketing

Does this extensive overview of our full-service email marketing solutions persuade you that strategically executed messaging should play a pivotal role in an integrated marketing mix? Many of our past clients doubled email revenues within the first year of our partnership. Let’s discuss how we can help strengthen your email program or launch one from scratch